Specialists & Suites
Please see the Directory page for contact details of specialists and suites.
Strata Management
The Strata Manager acts as the secretary for the Owner’s Corporation taking care of the buildings finances and is the person to contact in regards to levy enquiries and payments. The Strata Manager is also the conduit to the Strata Committee for all correspondence and will issue notices to owners on behalf of the committee including levy notices and breach of by-law letters.
Strata Manager Contact Details:
Strata Sense
Tamara Ford (Strata Manager)
Phone: (02) 8488 9942 / 1300 859 044
Email: tamara.ford@stratasense.com.au
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9AM to 5PM
Building Management
Parkway San Clinic has a dedicated building management team run by Sydney Building Management and Projects who take care of the day to day running of the building such as all maintenance items, building access and other daily matters affecting occupants and tenancies at the building. Building management can be found on-site during the week or are available via phone 24/7 in case of an emergency.
Owners & tenants are requested to report all non-critical items by email or logging onto ‘Building Link’, which is the program used to manage the building. Residents will be given a logon to ‘Building Link’ when they register their details with management.
Building Manager Contact Details:
Sydney Building Management & Projects
Curtis De Agrella (Building Manager)
Phone: 02 7208 8813
Email: management@parkwaysanclinic.com.au
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8AM to 12PM